
McKenzie Faculty

Each member of The McKenzie Institute faculty brings a unique set of experience and expertise. From physical therapy to orthopaedics, to sport therapy, to extremities all have a common and in-depth understanding of what their patients need and how they can benefit from the McKenzie Method®. All instructors have successfully completed their Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® and are active in clinical practice as required by educational policies of The McKenzie Institute International.

Colin Davies
Michael Dyck
Anja Franz
Audrey Long
Fiona MacKenzie
Richard Rosedale

Colin Davies

Colin Davies
PT, Dip. MDT
West Vancouver, BC CANADA
604-522-1828 / Fax: 604-264-1145

Colin Davies trained at the New Zealand School of Physiotherapy and graduated in 1971. He worked as assistant to Robin McKenzie in 1974 before immigrating to Canada where he has been in private practice since 1979. He became a member of the teaching faculty of the McKenzie Institute International in 1984 and has presented over 300 courses on Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy in 18 countries around the world. He is an examiner for the McKenzie Institute Diploma programme. He served for 15 years as a member of the Advisory Council to the Board of Trustees until October 2009 when he was appointed to the Board of Trustees for the McKenzie Institute International. In August 2018 he became the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the McKenzie Institute International.

Michael Dyck

Michael Dyck
PT, Dip. MDT
Montreal, QC

Michael Dyck grew up in Montréal, Québec, where he still lives today. He graduated from McGill University in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy, and worked in a multitude of clinical settings such as out-patient rehab, convalescence, acute care, paediatrics and rheumatology. Since 2014 he has been focused entirely on musculoskeletal care. Michael completed the international MDT Diploma Programme in 2017 and became a Diploma Clinical Educator in 2019. Also in 2019, he commenced proctoring the Credentialling Exam for MICanada. In 2020 he started his Probationary Faculty position with the McKenzie Institute International – MICanada Branch. In 2021, Michael co-authored his first MDT-related journal article. He regularly gives workshops and webinars for the McKenzie Institute International and McKenzie Institute Canada. In October 2022, the McKenzie Institute International promoted Michael to Faculty and he will commence working in his faculty position for the McKenzie Institute Canada Branch starting in January 2023. Michael is also a jazz pianist, choral director, improvisor/actor and father. Michael Dyck a grandi à Montréal, Québec, où il vit encore aujourd'hui. Il a obtenu son baccalauréat en physiothérapie de l'Université McGill en 2009 et a travaillé dans une multitude de contextes cliniques tels que la réadaptation ambulatoire, la convalescence, les soins aigus, la pédiatrie et la rhumatologie. Depuis 2014 il est complètement centré sur les soins musculo-squelettiques. Il a terminé le programme international de Diplôme MDT en 2017 et est devenu éducateur clinique pour le programme de Diplôme en 2019. La même année il a commencé à contrôler l'examen d'accréditation en MDT. En 2020 il a entâmé son rôle de Faculté en formation avec la branche canadienne de l’Institut McKenzie International. En 2021, Michael a corédigé son premier article scientifique sur le MDT. Il donne régulièrement des cyberateliers et des webinaires pour l’Institut McKenzie International ainsi que pour l’Institut McKenzie Canada. En octobre 2022, l'Institut McKenzie International a promu Michael à la Faculté et il commencera à travailler dans son poste d’instructeur pour la branche canadienne de celle-ci à partir de janvier 2023. Michael est aussi pianiste jazz, directeur de chorale, improvisateur/acteur et père.

Anja Franz

Anja Franz
PT, Dip. MDT
Ottawa, ON Canada

Anja grew up in Lahr, Germany, and emigrated to Canada in 1994. She holds a diploma in physiotherapy from Germany (1994), a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy from Laval University in 1999, a postgraduate diploma (distinction) in Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy® from the University of Otago, New Zealand (2004) and master’s degree in clinical science from University of Sherbrooke, Quebec (2017). Her interest focuses on the management of low back pain. After working a few years in the private sector, Anja joined the Canadian Armed Forces in June 2005. During her military career, she was posted to Quebec, British Columbia and Ontario. Two deployments to Kandahar, Afghanistan, participation in the Pacific Partnership 2012 (a US Navy-led humanitarian mission to Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia), and her role as a military liaison officer in the Governor General Leadership Conference in 2012, are the highlights of her military career. In addition to her career in the Canadian Armed Forces, Anja has been an instructor for the McKenzie Institute Canada since 2005. She has taught numerous courses in English and French and contributed to various regional and international conferences of the McKenzie Institute. Anja and her spouse enjoy hiking and kayaking.

Audrey Long

Audrey Long
PT, Dip. MDT, Spec. MSK
Calgary, AB Canada
403-278-0705 / Fax: 403-271-0985
[email protected]

Audrey Long received her BSc.PT from the University of Western Ontario in 1984. She has been using the McKenzie approach since 1986 and earned a Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment from the McKenzie Institute in New Zealand in 1993. In 1995 and 2004, she published papers in Spine relevant to the McKenzie Method. She has worked in a variety of settings including hospital outpatient, work hardening programs, and private practice. She has been an invited speaker at various conferences to present her research and/or speak on the topic of incorporating the McKenzie approach in the chronic back pain population. She currently works in private practice in Calgary, Alberta and is actively involved in clinical research.

Fiona MacKenzie

Fiona MacKenzie
PT, Dip. MDT
Newmarket, ON CANADA

Fiona holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics (2004) and a Master of Science in Physiotherapy (2006). She has over 20 years’ experience treating musculoskeletal disorders in a variety of clinical environments, including both the public and private sectors. Fiona has been a member of Teaching Faculty since 2021 and also serves as a Diploma Educator for the MDT Diploma Program. Fiona regularly collaborates on various educational projects within the McKenzie Institute, including online learning tools, study groups, workshops and webinars and credentialling examinations. Outside of her MDT teaching obligations, Fiona is active with her family, sports, travel and music events.

Richard Rosedale

Richard Rosedale
PT, Dip. MDT
Clinton, ON Canada

[email protected]

Richard graduated from Loughborough University in 1986 with a degree in Sports Science, and then from Guy’s School of Physiotherapy, London in 1992 with a Diploma in Physiotherapy. He completed his Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (Dip. MDT) in 1997. Richard has worked in orthopedics and in Occupational Health and Safety at London Health Sciences Centre, Canada since 1993. Richard has been involved in research since 2007 and has authored or coauthored over a dozen papers, primarily exploring the clinical utility of the McKenzie Method. He has been the Institute’s Reference Coordinator since 2015. Since 2003 Richard has been a member of the McKenzie Institute teaching faculty, has served on the Scientific Committees of numerous McKenzie Institute Americas and International Conferences and is a Diploma examiner. In 2005 Richard was appointed on to the International Education Council. He has since been involved in various educational projects including the development of online learning tools, teaching slides, and course manuals. Richard was the recipient of the McKenzie Institute's 2014 Extension Award for his outstanding contributions over many years to both MDT research and MDT education In 2018 Richard was appointed as the International Director of Education and the Institute’s Diploma Coordinator.