Course Information

Course Information

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City: Loading Strategies , Online   Dates: Nov 17, 2024
Type: MDT Workshop Course #: CA24TW005
Instructor: Michael Dyck
PT, Dip. MDT
Course Cost: $30.00
$10.00 – PLUS Plan Fee
$0.00 – PRO Plan Fee
Course Location: Map It!
McKenzie Institute Canada
Schoology and Zoom
Online, ON XXX XXX
Cosponsor: Aileen Conway
McKenzie Institute Canada

Schedule and Other Important Information (if applicable)

Workshop - Facilitated by Michael Dyck.

Work Smart, Not Hard: decrypting the physical exam to inform choices of loading strategies and improve efficiency. Repeated movements and sustained positions are a cornerstone of MDT. However, the choices of loading strategies abound, and time easily slips by when all we're getting are yellow lights. This workshop will help develop clinical reasoning, in that we will give a careful consideration to what the physical exam tells us, how to view it in light of the history, and how to then make informed choices of loading strategies that will quickly allow us to classify and understand our patients.

Sunday, NOV 17/ Time: 9.00am Eastern Time / 7.00am Mountain Time. Please adjust the start time for your local time zone.
Duration: 2 hours
Eligibility: Completion of level B and up. Once paid, the fee is non-refundable. MICanada will process your payment immediately after sending the workshop confirmation.