Course Information

Course Information

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City: Credentialling Exam, Online  Dates: Feb 22, 2025
Type: Exam Course #: CA25CE001
Instructors: Richard Rosedale
PT, Dip. MDT

Michael Dyck
PT, Dip. MDT
Course Cost: $400.00
Course Location: Map It!
McKenzie Institute Canada
See course details
Branch Course, ON
Cosponsor: Aileen Conway
McKenzie Institute Canada

Schedule and Other Important Information (if applicable)

The fee paid covers the testing components on both days. The exam is provided in English.

BEFORE REGISTERING for the exam, please make sure you update your McKenzie profile to reflect your correct mailing address, your profession license number and work information for the McKenzie Provider which uploads to our website upon successful completion of the exam. To update your McKenzie profile, login, go to VIEW PROFILE (top right-hand corner) and change as needed.

Eligibility: Per the eligibility policy with completion of Parts A-D. Deadline for registrations 21JAN, 2025

21FEB, 2025 (FRI) - Practical Component testing by appointment, see below for times
22FEB, 2025 (SAT) - Theoretical Component testing online

The first day of the exam is the practical/procedure testing component, which will take place on Friday, February 21, 2025. An individual appointment time for your testing time slot will be allocated approximately 4 weeks prior to the exam getting underway. The performance testing will take approximately 20 minutes and you will need to recruit an asymptomatic adult patient/demonstration model (family member, friend, work colleague**) and have access to a treatment table for your procedure testing appointment (portable is fine). **A physiotherapist, chiropractor or MDT trained clinician cannot be your demonstration model.

The second day of the exam is the theoretical testing component which will take place on SAT, February 22nd, 2025, from 10am until 5pm Eastern. Please adjust accordingly for your local time zone.

Before registering online, consider purchasing a D PLUS PLAN which will provide you with a savings of $100.00 off the exam in addition to other benefits. To qualify for the $100.00 SAVINGS, the D PLUS Plan must be purchased BEFORE registering for the exam. If you purchase the D PLUS PLAN, Please wait until you receive confirmation from the Branch that the D PLUS PLAN has been activated before registering for the exam. Confirmation of the plan will be sent on the next business day. If you register for the exam before the plan is activated you will have to register again to receive the $100.00 discount. Plans are activated Mon-Fri from 8AM until 4PM ET.

Upon registration for the exam, we will send you information on the best ways to prepare for it.