Course Information

Course Information

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City: Calgary, AB  Dates: Nov 22 – 24, 2024
Type: Part C Course #: CA24C002
Instructor: Fiona MacKenzie
PT, Dip. MDT
Course Cost: $795.00
Course Location: Map It!
Bonavista Physical Therapy
739 Lake Bonavista Drive,
Lower Level
Calgary, AB T2J 0N2
Cosponsor: Merrylee Clark & Rachelle Fornwald
Bonavista Physical Therapy

Schedule and Other Important Information (if applicable)

Eligibility: This course is open to clinicians with completion of only Part A or completion of both Parts A&B. MICanada eligibility policy applies. A special audit rate of $300.00 is being offered to clinicians that have already completed C and wish to retake the course.

Please see the schedule below.

The course times noted are in MOUNTAIN TIME. 1 session online, 3 sessions in the clinic.

ONLINE Session 1: 17NOV (SUN) 7.30am – 12.30pm
CLINIC Session 2: 22NOV (FRI) 3.00pm-8.30pm
CLINIC Session 3: 23NOV (SAT) 8.00am - 5.15pm
CLINIC Session 4: 24NOV (SUN) 8.00am - 5.15pm

Course status: Pending Confirmation

The course will assist clinicians expand their capabilities for the assessment, classification and management of patients with complaints of low back, related referred pain and functional limitations. Plus, the theory and practical application of MDT for lower extremity MSK disorders is presented. Lectures, patient assessments and practical sessions are utilised to demonstrate the characteristics and management of the syndromes and OTHER subgroups as they present in the lower extremity. Problem solving, reflective learning and clinical reasoning activities are utilised to ensure the participant has a broader knowledge of MDT in the biopsychosocial framework of the musculoskeletal experience. The participants will have the opportunity to discuss and extensively practice the MDT assessment, classification and management process through workshops, discussions, and patient demonstrations. Practical sessions are utilised to develop skills in the application of both self-treatment and clinician procedures.