Course Information

Course Information

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City: Online, Online  Dates: Nov 23 – 24, 2024
Type: Part B Course #: CA24B006
Instructor: Michael Dyck
PT, Dip. MDT
Course Cost: $695.00
$200.00 – PLUS Plan Fee
Course Location: Map It!
McKenzie Institute Canada Branch
MICanada Online, ON XXX XXX
Cosponsor: Aileen Conway
McKenzie Institute Canada

Schedule and Other Important Information (if applicable)

Eligibility: Completion of Part A. This course is instructed in English with English course material. A pdf version of the course manual is supplied for all online courses.

The course includes 4 online training sessions. Registrants will require an adult asymptomatic practice (patient) model for 2 hours during Session 4 on 24NOV. The practice patient model can be a friend, a family member or a work colleague. The tentative time for the practice model will be from 11.30am until 1.30pm ET. Please adjust timing for your local time zone. For the practical session on 24NOV, having access to a treatment table would be ideal (portable massage table is fine)for the online practical session.

This course will also include legitimate patient demonstrations. This course focuses on the application of MDT to the cervical and thoracic spine. The course details the assessment, classification and management of patients with complaints of cervical and thoracic pain, related referred pain and functional limitations.

All times listed are in Eastern Time. Please adjust accordingly for your local time zone.

Session 1: You will complete by yourself online at your own pace.

Session 2: 19NOV24 (TUES) will take place online, with live instruction, from 3.00pm until 8.00pm ET.

Sessions 3 & 4: 23-24NOV (SAT&SUN) will take place online, with live instruction, from 9.00am - 4.30pm ET.

A special audit rate applies on this course for clinicians that have previously taken Part B. The special audit rate is $200.00. Pro Plan members will receive a rate of $150.00. Adjustment will be made after registration and before the payment is processed.

Course status: This course is PENDING CONFIRMATION
The website will be updated once we receive enough registrations to run the course as planned.

The principles of MDT and how they apply in the context of the biopsychosocial framework of managing patients with cervical and thoracic pain and functional limitations will be a key focus. The participants will explore and extensively practice the MDT assessment, classification and management process through lectures, workshops, discussions, and patient demonstrations. The classifications of Derangement, Dysfunction and Postural syndromes in the cervical and thoracic spine are described in detail and appropriate management plans are discussed, with emphasis on the use of patient self-treatment procedures and education. Subgroups not fulfilling the criteria of the MDT syndromes are introduced and the basis for their differential diagnosis is outlined. Follow-up patient demonstrations will illustrate the reassessment process and allow participants to get a realistic feel and understanding of the impact of the MDT system on differing patient presentations over 2-3 treatment sessions.